The Commodore 64 Now Runs Windows

By on January 12, 2012


The Commodore 64, one of the original personal computers, recently celebrated a birthday.  It turned 30 years old last week.

For those of you that don’t remember this piece of cutting edge technology from 1982, check out this commerical.
By the way, this video also features the C64’s competition back in the day and a little bit of what of what personal computing technology looked like back then.

A New C64 for a New Year

The big news isn’t, however, the fact that the C64 is 30. No, the big news is that you can get a new one that can run Windows (or some other OS) today.

A company is now selling new C64 recreations which house a modern pc inside.

That’s right you can get a C64 with an Intel Sandybridge Core i7 processor, 8GB of DDR3 memory, a DVD drive, video/audio ports, USB ports and wifi!

Still Runs Original C64 OS

Not only that, but this unit has the option to let you boot right into the original C64 OS so that launch and play classic games.

If you’re an old school techie that longs to have that classic C64 experience with modern computer power this thing is definitely for you.


You can order yours here.



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