Coolest Pulpit Ever

By on August 24, 2010

I’ve seen some pretty amazing pulpit designs before but this one has to be the coolest one ever made.  It’s from the folks at Little Mountain Productions and it’s called the iPodium.  It’s basically a curved stand with a place cut out for your iPad.  It holds your iPad at the perfect angle so you can easily see it.  And, you can work with the iPad with one hand.

I’ve been preaching from an iPad for a while now and I’ve enjoyed it.  It’s great for making changes to my notes between services.  I typically preach from a small bar table though and my only complaint has been the reading angle.  When the stage lights hit it while laying flat on the table I can have a hard time seeing everything.  To fix that, I’ve been using the Apple iPad case in reading wedge mode to prop my iPad up.  This podium would eliminate this problem, and look a lot cooler while doing it.

As you can see, they’ve got two models.  One is just large enough for an iPad.  The other has a bit of space for a Bible or some other notes.

There are no pricing details that I can find on the maker’s site so I’m afraid it might be one of those “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” type of things but it still looks great.

You can contact Little Mountain Productions here.

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