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New iPhone Cable is Pure Genius

Sure, iPhones and iPads are great but one thing that’s not so great about them is having to deal with all the cables. No matter what you do the cables just seem to get tangled up. I’m sure we’ve all wasted valuable time trying to free our earbuds from this tangled mess on more than one occasion. Thankfully, Jason Hibourne got inspired and came up with a better solution.
Check this kick starter video to see this gem in action.
Clearly, this is far superior in just about every way to the standard cable that comes with the iPhone, especially if you travel.
What I love most about it is that it’s so multifunctional. As seen in the video, it’s a charging cable, a tripod, a dock and even an earbud cable wrap! It takes something that was problematic and had only one function, solves the problem, AND adds more functionality to boot. Pure genius.
Obviously, a longer cable can be useful at times but if you’re regularly portable in any way then the twig is the answer for sure.
Twig is being offered as a kick starter campaign and as such you might be worried that it’s just a dream that might not ever get it’s funding but the good news is that they’ve already almost doubled their funding goal of $50,000 so it looks like twig is going to become a reality.
The better news is that you can your very own twig for pledging just $18 and that includes free shipping in the US. You really can’t beat that deal. I’ve certainly paid more for a basic charging cable in the past.
You can get all the details here.
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