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The Best Road Trip App Available

If you’re taking any sort of road trip anytime soon then you need to install Waze right now.
Forget Apple Maps or Google Maps. Waze is the way to go.
Waze is a free cross-platform app for your phone that takes GPS maps to the next level.
On the surface, Waze works like any mapping software by using the GPS in your phone to help you get from point A to point B.
Community Based
Where it really shines, however, is that it’s community based.
Waze has a huge community of users and they all share data as they travel down the road.
What this means is that you are getting real-time reports for your route as you go.
You’ll be notified of accidents, weather issues, or even hidden police/speed traps.
It’s remarkable to be heading down the road and have Waze automatically reroute you due to some hazard ahead or even warn you that the fuzz are waiting for you around the corner.
Updated Maps and Gas Prices in Real Time
Along with routes and hazards, Waze also updates maps in real-time as other users notice changes.
It will even help you find the cheapest gas prices along your route.
Private but Shareable
While you’re trip data is private, you can share it if you like.
What this means is that you change share your trip progress with friends or family and they can get real-time updates, including an ETA, at anytime.
On a recent trip, a friend sent me a text asking me when I was due to arrive. I was able to easily reply with a link that gave him an online map showing my progress and a detailed ETA.
This app is free. (Waze was bought by Google so there’s hope it remain free forever.) Get all the details here.
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