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My Top 12 Chrome Extensions
Chrome is my browser of choice for a lot of reasons. It’s fast, reliable, and secure. Plus, I can use it on all of my devices.
One of the major reasons it rocks though has little to do with the browser itself. It’s all the amazing extensions you can install to customize your browsing experience.
Here is a short list of some of my favorites…
1. Save to Pocket
Pocket is a read-it-later service that saves me so much time. While I’m working through the day, if I see something that interests me, I simply save it to Pocket. Then, I can read it when I have down time.
The way pocket helps me read, track, and share this glut of information is awesome and this extension makes it as simple as possible to add items to my Pocket queue.
2. Buffer
If you’re a Buffer user, then this extension helps you load up your post in Buffer painlessly.
If you’re not using Buffer, why not?
3. Evernote Web Clipper
This extension clips the page and sends it to Evernote. Now, where this extension really shines is it’s ability to intelligently pull just the content of the page and ignore all the sidebars, ads, and such.
It makes the entire process so much cleaner and more reliable. It also allows you to tag the article as you’re capturing it.
4. Currently
This extension is does one thing but it does it well. It changes your new tab screen to a clock with an added five-day weather forecast.
Now, this not sound like much but it’s got a beautiful design and really adds a lot to my browsing experience.
When I first start using it I wondered about it’s usefulness but now, if I’m forced to use some other computer without it installed, I find I instantly miss it.
5. Honey
This extension just helps me save money. It basically looks for coupon codes when I’m checking out at certain sites and tries to find one that saves me some cash.
This is particularly useful at GoDaddy.com.
6. Clearly
This extension is also from Evernote but it doesn’t really add any Evernote functionality per se. What it does do, however, is wonderful.
It basically strips away everything on the page you’re viewing except for the body of the page. Then, it presents a beautiful reading environment.
If you’re ever having a hard time reading small text or lightly colored text on a page, this extension is a life saver!
7. Dashlane
This is the extension for my password manager of choice. I really like it’s intuitive interface.
All password managers are bit of a pain but this one is the most painless.
8. Add to Amazon Wish List
This extension lets you add any item from any online store to your Amazon wishlist quickly and effortlessly. (Amazon also automatically searches for a match in their store to offer it to you.)
9. Behind the Overlay
Ever land on a page with a big overlay pop-up that prevents you from reading the content? This extension magically removes that overlay for you.
10. Instant Music
This is an interesting little extension. It allows you to stream music from your Chrome toolbar. It basically offers you a choice of the top ten songs from a few services, like iTunes, and then you can also choose from a handful of genres.
What it’s actually doing is streaming just the audio from the music videos of these songs on YouTube.
It’s quick, always easily accessible, and commercial free.
11. News Feed Eradicator for Facebook
This gem just blocks your news feed in Facebook. It does this to help you be more productive.
What’s nice about this is that it doesn’t block access to Facebook on the whole. You can still access Facebook pages and messages, which you might need to do for legitimate business. It only blocks the time-suckling news feed.
In it’s place, the extension leaves you a quote about productivity. Consider it just a bit of tough love from your caring browser.
12. The Camelizer
This extension is made by the kind folks over at CamelCamelCamel.com. Never heard of them? That’s okay. All they do is monitor prices of millions of items on Amazon.
When this extension is running, you can click on the small icon when shopping on Amazon and see the lowest price that’s ever been offered there as well as the highest.
It’s amazing that prices fluctuate as much as they do on Amazon. You’ll realize it might be better to wait or you could be looking at a steal that you should purchase immediately.
Have I Missed Anything?
Do you have a favorite Chrome extension that isn’t listed above? I’ve love to hear about it. Please let me know about it below.
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@tonymccollum I read that and thought you were talking about a funky new hairdo!
In Case You Missed It: My Top 12 Chrome Extensions http://t.co/8FaOK2VG1p
I’d love to share this YouTube channel with you all! Making lots of videos about live streaming at the moment to help churches navigate the coronavirus era. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEiheSrexPYAhMgiEKqw7vw