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Coolest Pulpit Ever
I’ve seen some pretty amazing pulpit designs before but this one has to be the coolest one ever made. It’s from the folks at Little Mountain Productions and it’s called the iPodium. It’s basically a curved stand with a place cut out for your iPad. It holds your iPad at the perfect angle so you can easily see it. And, you can work with the iPad with one hand.
I’ve been preaching from an iPad for a while now and I’ve enjoyed it. It’s great for making changes to my notes between services. I typically preach from a small bar table though and my only complaint has been the reading angle. When the stage lights hit it while laying flat on the table I can have a hard time seeing everything. To fix that, I’ve been using the Apple iPad case in reading wedge mode to prop my iPad up. This podium would eliminate this problem, and look a lot cooler while doing it.
As you can see, they’ve got two models. One is just large enough for an iPad. The other has a bit of space for a Bible or some other notes.
There are no pricing details that I can find on the maker’s site so I’m afraid it might be one of those “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” type of things but it still looks great.
You can contact Little Mountain Productions here.
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Greetings! Love the blog.
Quick question. Do you prepare your sermon notes in Pages, or do you use another app more conducive to the task?
Chad, I actually prepare my sermons in a mindmap program called MindManager. Then, I export to Word my iPad converts it to a Pages document. (Sounds a lot more complicated than it is.) I preach from Pages on the iPad. Hope this makes sense.
I’ve tried preaching from iPad Pages, but found I kept on accidentally activating the keyboard. Had more success with converting to a PDF and using iBooks, but that means I can’t edit it just before the service. Anyone know how to get the best of both worlds? i.e. something that edits, but has some kind of “reader” mode?
I have been using propster for iPad. You can edit and it can auto scroll if you want. I prepare in pages then transfer into propster.
Greetings! Love the blog.
Quick question. Do you prepare your sermon notes in Pages, or do you use another app more conducive to the task?
Chad, I actually prepare my sermons in a mindmap program called MindManager. Then, I export to Word my iPad converts it to a Pages document. (Sounds a lot more complicated than it is.) I preach from Pages on the iPad. Hope this makes sense.
I’ve tried preaching from iPad Pages, but found I kept on accidentally activating the keyboard. Had more success with converting to a PDF and using iBooks, but that means I can’t edit it just before the service. Anyone know how to get the best of both worlds? i.e. something that edits, but has some kind of “reader” mode?
Perhaps the Coolest Pulpit Ever http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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@JonathanESmith you should see if @SteveViars would like this // RT @pastorgearstuff: Just Posted: Coolest Pulpit Ever http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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Coolest Pulpit Ever http://bit.ly/9D67WV
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If someone bought me one of these (http://bit.ly/av7uD2) and an iPad, I would begin using them immediately! :) (via @pastorgearstuff)
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Coolest Pulpit Ever! http://bit.ly/9D67WV
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@mikegothard I think you might look good behind this! :) http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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@andrewtate @mikegothard I think you might look good behind this! :) http://bit.ly/cIgCUv // That has my name written all over it! :)
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I’m reading: Coolest Pulpit Ever http://bit.ly/aWlVJI
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@pastorodisaster Can we replace the pulpit with one of these? –> http://bit.ly/dludyv
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Absolutely awesome…RT @brucechant: Coolest Pulpit Ever! http://bit.ly/9D67WV
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Coolest Pulpit Ever | PastorGear.com: http://bit.ly/dvnWhV >> iPodium for the ipastor with the Ipad….
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Coolest Pulpit Ever http://bit.ly/9D67WV – I so want one of these for @ryanrushlive !
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Attention Pastors: https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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For all the i-pastors out there.
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What every tech-savvy, Mac-loving preacher wants http://ow.ly/2v4eA H/T to Lloyd Davis
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What every tech-savvy, Mac-loving preacher wants- http://ow.ly/2v4eA (via @JamesASmithSr)
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@wilcomoore https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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So, @drmoore, when do these start showing up in our classrooms? http://ht.ly/2vcWk
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anyone interested in an iPad pulpit? http://bit.ly/a2HQHU (HT @DonWhitney)
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anyone interested in an iPad pulpit? http://bit.ly/a2HQHU // don’t know that i need the pulpit, but buy me an ipad, buddies :)
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Want to get @Ryan_Whitley one of these for Christmas – http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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Okay, I want this: http://ow.ly/2vgcY
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If @cavdad4 and I can convince the trustees that we need one of these (http://ow.ly/2vgMA ), will @grofster_99 let us use his fancy gadget?
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@adriancrawford is going to buy this the minute his plane lands, right @rossbrannon? // An iPad pulpit? http://bit.ly/a2HQHU
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That is sexy! RT @claytonbell: @adriancrawford is going to buy this the minute his plane lands, // An iPad pulpit? http://bit.ly/a2HQHU
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@jeffkapusta you need this http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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@ericbj This is right up your alley. An iPad pulpit http://bit.ly/a2HQHU
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“@rossbrannon: @ericbj This is right up your alley. An iPad pulpit http://bit.ly/a2HQHU” awesome!!
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@matnip get the ipad, then you can use this http://bit.ly/cIgCUv the next time you preach.
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@RyanWyatt1 this is your excuse to get an iPad. https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever
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I wonder if I can get @thomrainer to get me one of these: https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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Coolest pulpit ever? http://bit.ly/9eKPaG #arrow9oz
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made rt here n Tulsa>> RT@edstetzer I wonder if I can get @thomrainer 2get me 1 of these: https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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“@edstetzer: I wonder if I can get @thomrainer to get me one of these: http://j.mp/9eKPaG” @DarrinPatrick needs one of these!
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I love this pulpit. http://bit.ly/bp8LAL
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Pastors and preachers – plz no podium envy! Introducing the iPodium! https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/ via @edstetzer
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Check it @theBenWilliams @jobdalomba //RT @edstetzer: I wonder if I can get @thomrainer to get me one of these: http://bit.ly/9tcy9h
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@edstetzer Thanks for the heads up Ed. Now I know what to get my Pastor for Christmas! https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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For you @jcrook84 http://bit.ly/ahU9xQ
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@gracealexandria so needs one! https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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@benramsey80 @plivingston @jaspedding https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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The iPodium…yuk http://bit.ly/a2HQHU
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Coolest Pulpit ever: http://bit.ly/9LR0eI // via @MarketingTwins
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All I want for Christmas (assuming the iPad is included)… http://bit.ly/cIgCUv
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Just found The Coolest Pulpit Ever! http://bit.ly/9D67WV
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@tjzukoski: I love this pulpit. http://bit.ly/bp8LAL // that pulpit is insane!! You preaching from an ipad 2?
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I’d never use it but I totally want one if these… https://pastorgear.com/2010/08/coolest-pulpit-ever/
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